Potential – Are You Reaching Yours?

An exciting possibility unless unfulfilled is the word immediately in front. It is sad when we realize that many of us never reach our potential. We haven’t created the mindset that will allow us to push through the barriers that are holding us back. It does not need to be this way!

To begin the journey of fulfillment of your potential, You must first make up your mind you are going to do this thing. As simple as this sounds, it is amazing how difficult it is for some of us.

We all fall into one of three categories.

1. People who don’t know what they want to do.

These are the confused ones. They lack a strong sense of purpose and IF they do grow, it is largely unfocused growth.  They start something, change their mind and drift to another area. They don’t reach their potential because they have no idea what to shoot for.

2. People who know what they would like to do, but don’t

These are the frustrated ones. Everyday they experience the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Sometimes we just aren’t willing to pay the price to grow. Maybe it is fear that prevents a course change.

3. People who know what they want to do, and just go out and do it

These are the fulfilled ones.  There is passion in what they do and they have a sense of purpose. They are willing to grow in areas that will benefit them and move them closer to reaching their potential.

Chances are, you see yourself in one of these categories. You are fortunate if you are in the third category but it is the majority who will be in either of the first two. The important thing to remember is “you don’t have to stay there.”

If you are tired of being stuck and not reaching your potential, I invite you to consider our upcoming 1/2 day workshop on November19. You will learn 8 key steps to discovering your passion and to fulfill your potential. You can learn about it here. Hope to see you there.

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