About Me

Hi, I’m Don Goertz. I am the author of the posts on this blog site “No Limits – Know your Potential”. I am also a founding member of the John Maxwell Team and a certified JMT trainer and coach. I have been blogging since 2010.

DGA Personal Development Systems
DGA Personal Development Systems
  • Life is a journey and I journey with you! These thoughts and ideas are created for those who, like me are looking to grow towards the fulfillment of their full potential.
  • It has been said we are all ‘fearfully and wonderfully made”. You were created with incredible potential. The possibility exists to become a literal genius in the area you are most gifted in. Me too! Let’s discover where that lies.
  •  My wish for you as you read some of these thoughts would be for you to recognize and appreciate yourself just a little bit more every day. The power of incremental change is underestimated in how it can apply to the principles of our personal growth.
Here are some of the topics I write about:
  • Personal Growth
  • Leadership
  • Inspiration
  • Life Circumstance
  • Real Estate
  • Faith
Real Estate? How does that fit? Well, my experience comes mostly from a 30 year career in Real Estate where I was an agent, a Manager and the Owner of a large office. This experience shows how difficult it can be to be successful and lead a balanced life so some of my posts will be geared specifically to REALTORS and how they can be better.
  • These ideas come from my personal experience, inspiring movies, Books and other blog posts that I read.
  • You can expect at least two posts per week.
  • If you like what you read and would like to ensure you don’t miss any, please subscribe and have it delivered to your inbox.
During my journey I have learned how important it is to help others along the way. For you to become a better and more fulfilled person is the sole reason and purpose for this blog.
Business Background:
  • I am a former Broker Owner of a RE/MAX Real Estate Franchise. Ray and I grew our office to three locations and about 100 REALTOR’s from 30 when we took over the office. We recognized the value in training our team and the importance of having them work in areas of their strengths.
  • This philosophy led us to participate in many training opportunities and eventually to become a certified trainer and coach under the umbrella of John Maxwell. The John Maxwell Team was founded in 2011 and I am a Founding Partner.
  • The Training material offered by the JMT are very beneficial in establishing our personal growth plan.
Personal Life:
  • Sonya and I have been happily married for nearly 40 years. Wow! Time flies when you are having fun and every year with her has been an adventure. We have three adult children and are blessed with 8 grandchildren.
  • It is true what they say. Grandchildren make having children worthwhile!
  • As a Follower of Jesus Christ I believe we have not only been created with incredible potential but the best way to discover this potential is through our relationship with Him. He promised that he came to bring us an abundant life. When I observe His incredible creation I see but a glimpse of what abundance should be about. So the focus of the journey.
Personal Interests:
  • I love watching football. Almost as much as when I was younger and able to play it. Hockey and baseball are pretty good too. That might sound like blasphemy for a Canadian to put football before hockey but what can I say.
  • Computers and gadgets have a way of holding my interest as well and I am continually trying to figure better ways of doing things.
  • Having grown up in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, we get spoiled by being in close proximity to the majestic mountains as well as within an hours drive to the fathomless Pacific Ocean.
email: don@dongoertz.com